Quantia “Key” Fletcher
Executive Director, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
About me: For 18 years, I have been sharing the stories of the Black community. Currently, as the executive director of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Arkansas’ state-funded museum of Black history, I’m deeply passionate about creating spaces for the present and past to intersect for an innovative and transformative future.
I have carved out over $3 million for Arkansas Black history, positioning MTCC as a top destination for Arkansas African American history and culture.
I enjoy the Arkansas Women’s Leadership Forum and service with Arkansas Black Philanthropy Collaborative and Jack and Jill of Greater Little Rock.
I’m also the CEO of Keyfit Life. As a health and fitness motivator and a certified group fitness instructor, I enjoy helping people transform their lives.
Lives/Works in: Little Rock
Best Career Advice: Be honest about what you don’t know and be willing to learn. Be confident about what you do know and share it freely with others. Transparency and confidence in yourself go a long way.
Lesson Learned the Hard Way: At times, no matter how hard you work, there will be doors that don’t open. You must define what success means for yourself.
Proudest Moment of Impact: Last year I began visiting museums and historic sites around the country. As I provided support and expertise on Black history and culture, people began to take note and our successes drew interest nationwide. It’s when I stepped outside of our bubble that I realized our everyday trendsetting and forward-thinking space was not so common. I was honored that others wanted to use our blueprint.
What Keeps Me Motivated: MTCC is located on historic West Ninth Street, the foundation of the early Black community in Little Rock. When I look out my window, I envision streets bustling with people, music and businesses. My vision to share the story of Black Arkansans fuels me.
A Women’s Foundation of Arkansas Initiative