Head of the Class 2024: Rene Ramirez, ASMSA

Rene Ramirez
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts

GPA: 3.98

College attending: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Colleges accepted to: University of Arkansas, Rice University, Emory University

Honors & Achievements: Presidential Scholar candidate, National Merit finalist, 2nd Place State AFLTA French II Speaking, 2nd Place State AFLTA French II Reading, 2nd Place State AFLTA French II Vocabulary Bee

Career goal: While I’m not entirely sure what I’d like to do as a career, I’d like to do something in a STEM field. I’m currently leaning towards computer science, but I’d also like to explore different kinds of engineering, notably electrical engineering or aeronautical engineering in college. I want to work on cutting-edge technology and explore what new things are possible with it.

Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Bryan Ieamsang has been my French teacher for two years now, and he’s helped me learn more about myself and the French language. Through our discussions of languages, I’ve come to realize my passion for learning new languages, learning about the workings of those languages and how learning languages allows you to serve as a bridge between communities.

See more of Little Rock Soirée Head of the Class 2024.

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