Head of the Class 2024: Nicholas Lake Nall, PA

Nicholas Lake Nall
Pulaski Academy

GPA: 4.72

College attending: Dartmouth College

Colleges accepted to: Southern Methodist University, University of Arkansas

Honors & Achievements: English teacher at Syrian Refugees at Jordan’s Az Za’atari Refugee Camp, American Foreign Service Essay finalist, National Merit finalist, Model United Nations co-president, AP Scholar with Distinction

Career goal: After graduating with a double major in Middle Eastern Studies and economics, I hope to work in both New York City and abroad in impact investment and developmental banking.

Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mr. Bill Topich has been an incredibly influential actor in my high school career, fueling my interest in international studies and aiding my academic and personal pursuits. Working with Mr. Topich in Model U.N. and in constructing my thesis has been crucial to my personal development and success, and I will forever be thankful for his advice and counsel as I navigated high school and my studies abroad.

See more of Little Rock Soirée Head of the Class 2024.

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