Michelle Lin
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts
GPA: 3.96
Colleges accepted to: University of Arkansas, Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Pennsylvania
Honors & Achievements: International Science and Engineering Fair finalist, Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy for Mandarin and Japanese, AAoC Computer Science Student of Distinction, two-time West Central Regional Science Fair Environmental Management 1st Place, ASMSA Student Ambassador
Career goal: I hope to become a chemical engineer focusing on pollution remediation and sustainable design.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Words cannot fully encapsulate my gratitude towards Dr. Brian Monson, who is my teacher, my research mentor and a major figure of inspiration. His support, expertise and encouragement of my academic endeavors gave me the confidence to continue pursuing my research interests, and his positive influence will continue to impact my character both as a student and as a person.