Head of the Class 2023: Emma Grace Cooley, Episcopal Collegiate

Emma Grace Cooley
Episcopal Collegiate School

GPA: 4.54

College attending: Vanderbilt University

Colleges accepted to: Wake Forest University, Davidson College, Tulane University

Honors & Achievements: National Merit finalist, Stella Boyle Smith Summer Science Award at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Congressman French Hill Educational Achievement Award, Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy in English and French, President’s Volunteer Service Award gold medal

Career goal: I plan to study the sciences with a goal of attending medical school and becoming a pediatric physician and medical researcher. I hope to be a lifelong learner in my career and will consciously seek to put my patients first.

Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Throughout my time at Episcopal Collegiate School, Ms. Campbell, my AP U.S. History teacher and debate coach, and Ms. Conyer, my AP Language and Composition and AP Literature and Composition teacher, have largely impacted my academic career and have helped me grow as an individual. They consistently challenge me to expand my knowledge, encourage me to never stop asking “why?” and support me in all my endeavors, both academic and personal. I am truly so grateful for their influence, as well as the support from the rest of the incredible teachers I’ve been fortunate to have at Episcopal Collegiate School.

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