United Cerebral Palsy of Arkansas is a collection of essential programs supporting adults and children living with intellectual or developmental disabilities, their families and communities. UCP’s services reach all areas of Arkansas, providing the support Arkansans need to live life without limits.
Founded in 1957 by parents of children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, UCP banded together to help Arkansans live life to their fullest potential. We now serve all disabilities and all ages.
UCP’s team of dedicated professionals offers a comprehensive network of habilitation/rehabilitation services. UCP provides early childhood intervention, adult day habilitation, community and employment services (CES) waiver, customized employment, community living and therapeutic services.
• Be a Butterfly Partner and support the Butterfly Learning Center! For giving opportunities, email lucy@ucpcark.org.
• Be a workforce champion and support Achieve, UCP’s customized employment program. Email katy@ucpcark.org for opportunities.
• Visit ucpark.org/give/ to give in memory or in honor of a loved one.
• UCP’s gala, Cirque Du Rocher, tells its mission through stories from adults with disabilities and their families: ucpark.org/events-sponsorships
• Achieve
• Adult Day Center
• Butterfly Learning Center
• Community Living Arrangement (15-bed ICF)
• CES Waiver Services
• Gone for Good Document Destruction
• Ultra Cartridge Products
9720 N. Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, AR 72227
501.224.6067 | ucpark.org
Established: 1957
Employees: 700
Service Area: Arkansas
Michael Ruffin, Chair
Gary Wells, First Vice Chair & NE Council Chair
Will Gladden, Second Vice Chair & NW Council Chair
Bill Yee, Treasurer
Helaine Williams, Secretary
Mary Carol Poole, Immediate Past Chair
Paula Rader, President & CEO
Chad Cumming
Rick Fleetwood
Steve Jones
Dawn Scott
Siva Soora
Katie Thomas
Joy Weir
Dr. Bhawna Jha
The 2023/2024 Arkansas Giving Guide is presented by Wright Lindsey Jennings. Click here to read a letter from our sponsors.