Giving Guide: Arkansas Colleges of Health Education


Arkansas Colleges of Health Education’s (ACHE) mission is to educate and train a diverse group of highly competent and compassionate health care professionals, to create health and research support facilities and to provide healthy living environments to improve the lives of others.

ACHE established a first-rate institution of higher education operating multiple graduate-level colleges in several health fields and is pursuing the most viable options to provide better access to prevention and treatment of prevalent health conditions in Arkansas. ACHE is creating the largest research facility in the U.S. associated with an osteopathic medical school, preparing skilled health care professionals who desire to serve others.


• Scholarships: Directly impact ACHE students by providing scholarships for their career grounded in service.

 Research: Support critical components of health care education. Research is conducted in all ACHE programs.

• Community Wellness: Support outreach programs in nutrition, movement and mindfulness across Arkansas.


•  On Call: An Elegant Evening for Research — Support the ACHE mission by attending this annual gala. Held each September, this elegant event features entertainment, dinner and dancing.


Grants: 45.8%
Tuition: 41%
Gifts: 6.2%
Other: 5.2%
Investments: 1.7%

7000 Chad Colley Blvd.
Fort Smith, AR 72916
476.308.2243 |


Established: 2014
Employees: 200
Service Area: Arkansas

President & CEO: Kyle D. Parker, JD


Cole Goodman, M.D., Chair
Michael Carroll, Vice Chair
Michael Barr, Treasurer
Judy Boreham, Ph.D., Secretary
John Taylor, Past Chair
Brenda Altman
Jeff Beachamp
John Brown, III
David Craig
Ron Darbeau, Ph.D.
Chris Greer, D.O.
Jason Hill, D.O.
Lavon Morton
Karen Pharis
Frank Shipley

The 2022/2023 Arkansas Giving Guide is presented by Wright Lindsey Jennings. Click here to read a letter from our sponsors.

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