Zara (Zehra) Abbasi

Pastry Chef & Recipe Developer
Zara Made It

Although I’m a licensed attorney, I practice the culinary arts at the moment. Growing up I wanted to be everything, and as an adult I realize not much has changed — I still want to be everything! In my current business, I create custom cakes for clients, teach several public and private cooking and baking classes and develop recipes for blogs, websites and magazines. I’m always looking to learn more and expand into different fields because I truly believe life is too short.


What keeps me coming back to my job every day:

Creativity. My hands itch to create something and to teach others. I can’t pull myself away from it. Anything I can do to connect with others in a positive way is my calling.

Best career moment so far:

Turning my very public business into a private and more curated business. It’s heightened my creativity and given me more peace of mind.

How I knew this was my passion:

I’ve known since I was 6, but I really knew when I found myself taking care of kids all day, going to law school all night, then coming home to cook and bake and still enjoying it.

Best advice I've ever received:

My dad reminds me to always be balanced. When I’m teetering, I remember his words. My mom always encourages me to be big-hearted.

If I could lunch with any woman, it would be:

Somebody I’ve misunderstood beforehand or vice versa. I’d like the chance to better understand others. It helps me find new versions of myself, which I always appreciate.

What makes Little Rock feel like home:

Little Rock finally feels like home and it’s because of the friendships I’ve built here in so many different groups. From politics, to the food industry, to law school, I want to know all sorts of different people and their stories.

I wish I knew how to:

Play the piano, sail a boat, write code, be more patient and know when to quit.

The one thing I wish people knew about my field:

This field is tiring, yet rewarding. Owning your own business means the work is always there and that you are constantly doing the job of five people, though it's rewarding because you can flex your creativity as you see fit.



NYC, then Boston, now Little Rock

Best recent local discovery:

Live Thankfully

Last good read

"Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari

Binge watch


Best coffee in town

Tea drinker

First thing you do at the office each morning

Review calendar

Last splurge

New house


Competitive napping

Dream Vacation


Podcast recommendation

"Dr. Death"