Sarah Thomas

MS Dreams

When I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in 2010, I found out I had to buy my own walker and wheelchair. I also found out that there were others in the same situation. I was blessed to be able to acquire the walker and wheelchair, but knew that others weren’t so fortunate. As a result, I decided to stand up and be an advocate for those with MS and other autoimmune diseases. I founded MS Dreams and began working with local healthcare organizations to collect wheelchairs and other important supplies that autoimmune disease patients desperately need in order to live their best lives. The equipment and supplies are distributed for free to those who would not otherwise be able to afford them. Prior to my diagnosis, I was an active participant in pageant contests, winning the titles of “Miss Little Rock USA” (2009), “Miss Arkansas Essence” (2009) and “Miss Maumelle International” (2010-2011). Since my diagnosis, I have used that training and advocacy to serve as a member of the Arkansas Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities, and as a volunteer for the Ronald McDonald House. Community activities/affiliations include Sunday school teacher at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, a Monday school teacher at Canvass Community Church and an active member in the Junior League of Little Rock. I am a certified yoga instructor with Sage Yoga and a current student at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. When and if time permits, I love to travel.


If you could have lunch with any woman, who would it be and what would you order?

I would eat Italian food with Mother Teresa.

I wish I knew how to __________.

Find the cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Be yourself, love and value yourself and keep smiling.

Who is your role model?

My parents; they’re strong, wise and have taught all I need to know to be a successful, well-balanced person. I depend on them daily to help keep all my work and achievements in perspective.

Best moment of your career so far?

Dropping off my first walker to a patient and seeing how happy and grateful they were. This was when I knew I was making real change, the kind you sometimes only see on TV.

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career and how did you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is dispelling the myths about disabilities, immobility and the need for tools to help those with MS and other diseases remain mobile and active.


Neighborhood you live in




Last good read

“Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence” by Matthew Sanford

Favorite Food

Italian food

Favorite Lunch Spot


First thing you do at the office each morning

Meditate and drink hot tea


Yoga and tennis

Dream Vacation

Travel around the world and back

Favorite Song

Anything by Janet Jackson


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