Sarah Greenwood

Munson Rowlett Moore & Boone P.A.

I am a managing partner at the law firm of Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone P.A. I have worked at this firm since before graduating law school in 2003. I also substitute teach barre and pilates at ZenStudio.


Best advice I ever received:

From my father, “Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Most issues come from people making things more complicated than they need to be. Once simplified, the solution generally presents itself.

If I could lunch with any woman, it would be:

Esther Perel. I have recently discovered her and I find her to be completely fascinating. I would love to discuss how she approaches her clients as I feel we share similar experiences of working with people in crises.

How I knew this was my passion:

I have always loved reading and arguing, so the law seemed to be a natural fit. What I did not expect was how much I would love working with people.

How I define success:

I think success is defined by the impact we make on others.

Most rewarding part of my job:

The most rewarding part of my job is helping people move past their emotional issues and find their voice.

Best career moment so far:

My best moments are when I can support my clients through the emotional turmoil of being involved in a lawsuit and watching them be transformed through that process into stronger and more confident professionals.

Advice for my 18-year-old self:

I would advise her that striving and making mistakes will teach her more than playing it safe. I would say to study everything more deeply in college and to be comfortable with not knowing everything or being perfect.

My typical workday:

There is no typical workday, which is what keeps it exciting. It can range from officework, to travel, to hearings or trials, to working with clients and preparing them to testify. Every day is a new adventure.


Neighborhood you live in



Little Rock

Last good read

“The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ” by Brant Pitre

Favorite Food


Favorite Lunch Spot


First thing you do at the office each morning

Make green tea

Last splurge

A day of beauty at Belle and Blush


I do what I want — run, read, play with my dogs, hang out with my friends, travel

Dream Vacation

Go back to Italy

Favorite Song

“The Weight” by The Band