I am a commercial real estate agent with Flake & Kelley Commercial, specializing in retail real estate. I work with a talented team to represent clients on all sides of real estate transactions – tenants, landlords, developers, buyers and sellers. I started in commercial real estate in Atlanta in 2006, and have a graduate degree from Georgia Tech in building construction and facility management, with an emphasis in real estate development. I was also one of the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited professionals.
Cynthia Lu
Best career moment so far:
I was part of the two-person project management team for Two Alliance Center, a $165 million, LEED Gold commercial high rise project. I grew professionally so much through learning from some of the best talent in the industry.
How did you know this is what you wanted to do?
When I realized how important retail businesses, including restaurants, are to the quality of our everyday life, as well as how impactful they are on the health and vitality of a city, I was hooked.
Biggest challenges or obstacles you’ve faced in your career:
I am not the typical commercial real estate agent in Arkansas, and I’ve had to work hard to find a place in a primarily male-dominated industry. I am grateful to my CEO, Hank Kelley, who took a chance on me!
Most rewarding part of your job:
Getting to meet and work with some of the most amazing and intelligent people from around the world, and helping them find the perfect solution to their commercial real estate needs.
I wish I knew how to:
Fly a plane! My retail clients take me all over the state of Arkansas, and I could cover a lot more ground in a shorter period of time if I could fly! Plus, it would be great fun.
How you define success:
Being content and at peace with yourself at the end of the day, knowing that you have done the best you can with the gifts, talents and responsibilities you have been given.
If you could lunch with any woman, who would it be?
My great grandmother who was a missionary in China. She must have been a brave woman full of conviction to choose that path. I would love to hear her stories and understand more about my family history.
What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
Relax and enjoy each day the best you can! It’s ok to not have it all figured out! Be patient and learn to appreciate the highs and the lows of this crazy but beautiful life journey.