SPONSORED: What’s Behind Your Racing Heart?

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During the month of February, everyone talks about love. Valentine’s Day, which is all about love and romance, is celebrated in offices, homes and classrooms everywhere with cards, candy, flowers and heart shaped decorations.

We often associate love and romance with long walks on the beach, cozy dinner dates and even a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms, but a racing heartbeat isn’t always a good thing. This month, while you’re contemplating life and love, be sure to check in on heart symptoms you may be experiencing, as they can be signs you should see your doctor.

Things that can make your heart race include:

  • strong emotions like anxiety, fear, stress and love
  • panic attacks
  • caffeine
  • medication
  • dehydration

Sometimes, however, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious condition. If you have heart palpitations, see your doctor.

But if palpitations come with these symptoms, get immediate medical attention:

  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness
  • chest pain
  • fainting

To find a doctor near you, visit chistivincent.com/clinics.

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