The Arkansas Flower and Garden Show Hits Little Rock This Weekend

Forget the frost; we’re craving foliage.

The Arkansas Flower and Garden Show will converge on the Satehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock this weekend, Feb. 20-22. Green thumbs from across the state will gather to “ooh” and “ahh” over the numerous fully landscaped display gardens that will fill the space. 

More than 75 exhibitors will flood the show’s marketplace with the tools, tricks and trinkets to inspire your warm weather outdoor escapades. Vendor categories cover everything from health and cosmetics to decor, houseware and home and lansdcaping services.

The event also includes how-to seminars and speakers, including topics like the best ways to include fire elements to your space and vegetable growing in Arkansas’ unique soils. Sunday’s lineup even has activities to get kids interested in gardening. 

Visit the Arkansas Flower and Garden Show’s website for more information, or click here to purchase tickets. 

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