Recycle Your Old Electronics at This Community Event

Looking for a new home for that flip phone collecting dust in a drawer? We know just the place.

Pack up your old electronics and head to the community electronic recycling event in the Simmons Bank Arena parking lot on April 19-20 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.  

This event is free to residential households, businesses, nonprofits, churches, governments and schools living and doing business in Pulaski County. After dropoff, all collected electronics will then be properly disposed of and securely handled, including securely destroying hard drives with an electronics shredder.

“We call it e-waste, but it is actually not waste at all, because electronic equipment and its component parts can be recycled and re-marketed for the manufacture of new products,” says Craig Douglass, executive director of the Regional Recycling & Waste Reduction District.

“According to the EPA, e-waste is the fastest growing municipal waste stream in the country. Our e-waste recycling event is designed to take back this equipment and recycle it to get toxic chemicals like lead and mercury out of the waste stream and out of landfills.”

A few of the items accepted include:

  • laptops
  • printers
  • vacuum cleaners
  • VCR/DVD players
  • televisions
  • microwaves
  • gaming systems
  • coffee makers
  • telephones and cell phones
  • stereos
  • hair dryers
  • paper shredders
  • fax machines

And a whole lot more. Click here for the full list of recyclable items

To learn more about recycling in Little Rock, visit the Regional Recycling website.

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