In case you haven’t noticed, we’re currently living in the middle of a winter tundra. Naturally, you can always expect these conditions to have an effect on your plans, especially when those plans involve watching horses run circles outside.
Yes, opening weekend for the 2015 Oaklawn Racing & Gaming Live Season was supposed to kick off this Friday, but due to unforeseen circumstances (aka it’s freezing, y’all), is pushing back the date to Jan. 15.
“Our track maintenance crews worked to maintain the racing surface all night. It became clear shortly after sunrise that we were not going to be able to hold it. The safety of the horses and riders is always our first concern and this weather is just not conductive for racing. We look forward to kicking off things next week,” said Director of Racing David Longinotti in a statement on their website.
Luckily, not all of their preparations went to waste. The food that wouldn’t keep was donated to a local shelter, where it will feed about 1,500 hungry people. Good on ya, Oaklawn.
If you still want to head to the Hot Springs destination, don’t worry, their newly expanded gaming area and restaurants are going full steam ahead.
For up-to-the-minute information on all things happening at Oaklawn, follow them on Facebook.