Little Rock Soirée 2017 Caregiver’s Guide

As our average life expectancy creeps ever upward, the need for family members to step in and take care of aging loved ones will only increase. Currently, 36% of adults in the United States provide some kind of care giving assistance for an older relative, according to the Pew Research Center.

The reasons for intervention vary — Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, surgery, even an injury sustained in a fall, and the caregivers themselves are equally diverse—sons, daughters, spouses, even friends and neighbors.

Regardless of the circumstances, the goal of family care giving is often the same: to provide a loved one with a comfortable, caring environment.

Whether you are researching options for your own next step in life, or are a child searching for a living arrangement or rehab facility for your parents, care giving is a complicated endeavor and holds a series of difficult decisions.

Selecting the most appropriate solution is of the utmost importance. Following are profiles of local resources who are here to help you navigate the waters of providing for your loved ones at any stage.

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