Kitchen|Fields Table Tour Features Soybean Dishes at Little Rock Restaurants

You know Arkansas is The Natural State and you know the state is covered in farms, many of which produce soybeans. But how often do you actually think about eating soybeans?

The Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board (ASPB) hopes to change that this year with its second annual Kitchen|Fields Table Tour. It began as an educational program encouraging Arkansans to eat more soy foods and soy-fed protein, such as pork, beef, turkey and chicken.

So this is where the tour part comes in. The ASPB put together a lineup of restaurants across the state that will feature a dish dedicated to Arkansas soybean producers during Arkansas Soybean Month in November and continuing to serve soybean-inspired dishes in monthly partnerships throughout 2017.

Here are the participating restaurants in Little Rock:

  • Brave New Restaurant
  • Café at Heifer
  • The Southern Gourmasian
  • Three Fold Noodles and Dumpling Co.
  • Trio’s

Other restaurants include J Town’s Grill in Jonesboro, Postmasters Grill in Camden and Taylor’s Steakhouse in Dumas.

“Many Arkansans are unaware that our state has over 43,500 farms, with 97 percent of those farms being family-owned. The Kitchen|Fields Table Tour is a great platform to educate our neighbors about Arkansas agriculture and the impact soybean production has on our state. The table tour helps support Arkansas farmers by encouraging everyone to eat more soy,” Arkansas Agriculture Secretary Wes Ward said.

You can learn more about the Kitchen|Fields Table Tour on the ASPB website. And you can follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Hungry yet?

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