Gus Vratsinas Honored for Years of Dedication to Easter Seals

Gus Vratsinas has a strong sense of purpose and of who he is. “I am an American of Greek heritage,” he said, “I am not a hyphenated American person.” He is not only grounded in his parent’s heritage, but also in his family and the Greek (Eastern) Orthodox Church. And as a strongly rooted individual he has found strength and the ability to work hard and give back to others throughout his life.

Vratsinas is a busy man, but he seems to like it that way. “As Irene [his wife] says, with my [type] ‘A’ personality, my cars are clean, everything is in its place, and you could eat off the garage floor. I find things to do—straighten up, read books, organize hunting and fishing equipment and trips.” His type-A personality has kept him active, not only in his squeaky clean garage but also with his industry and spare time. He is active in his business, the Vratsinas Construction Company (VCC), and with the several boards and committees he is a part of, but there is one organization that Vratsinas has been especially dedicated to building for the past 16 years—Easter Seals.

According to the organization, “Since 1944, Easter Seals Arkansas has been creating solutions that allow children and adults with disabilities and special needs to live better, more fulfilling lives.” Their mission “is to provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.” They provide high quality services, including teams of therapists, teachers and other health professionals, to help each person overcome obstacles to independence and reach his or her personal goals.

Vratsinas said he began volunteering with Easter Seals after “Mike Means and Sharon Moone-Jochums [the current president/CEO of Easter Seals Arkansas] asked me to join the board; it was always hard to say no.”

A wonderful aspect about Easter Seals is their active inclusion of families as members of any therapy program. With two siblings, two children, five grandchildren, four nieces and 29 cousins and their families, Vratsinas understands the importance of family and the fact that families need to be together, to help one another.

“We focus on the whole family,” Easter Seals Arkansas explains about their programs. “Parents and caregivers receive support and training and are a vital part of the team working to ensure the goal of independence is achieved.”

The organization has named Vratsinas Arkansan of the Year, and they wish to honor his contributions to the state through business, economic development and philanthropy. “Easter Seals especially wants to recognize his extraordinary vision for the future of the children and adults with disabilities served by Easter Seals and for his 16 years of dedicated board service,” said the Arkansas chapter.

Arkansas, Easter Seals and hundreds of families and children have been blessed because of Vratsinas and his dedication. When we asked him why he is motivated to give back to the community, he said, “I guess your genes are part of it. Both my mother and father taught me the Golden Rule. I probably took it one step further, because of them and my religious upbringing, than even I ever thought I would.”

Easter Seals Honoring Arkansan of the Year
Thursday, March 10
6 p.m. cocktails, 6:30 p.m. dinner
Statehouse Convention Center

Tickets – $200 per person
Contact – Julia Hamra, 227-3700


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