Giving Guide: Arkansas Children’s Hospital Auxiliary


Founded in 1967, the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Auxiliary serves patients and families through fundraising and service projects. More than 500 members support funding initiatives that include creating purposeful healing spaces designed for patients and their families, contributing to the Arkansas Children’s Research Institute and supporting programs that provide emotional support, including Good Mourning, Palliative Care and Comfort Foods.


The ACH Auxiliary’s efforts are funded by special events and projects, as well as annual membership dues. Fundraising efforts include Miracle Ball, Arkansas à la Carte, Race for a Healthier Tomorrow, the ACHiever program, Playaway Gift Shop and the Holiday Card Project. Last year the Auxiliary raised $1.2 million for Arkansas Children’s Hospital.


There are many ways to get involved in the ACH Auxiliary. You can serve meals in the hospital, work in the Playaway Gift Shop, organize a race team, volunteer for events, mentor an ACHiever — the sky’s the limit. Women of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. Visit to join today.


ACHiever Program 4%
Arkansas à la Carte 7%
General Auxiliary Fund/Membership 1.5%
Holiday Card Program 3.5%
Miracle Ball 58%
Playaway Gift Shop 21%
Race for a Healthier Tomorrow 5%

Established: 1967

Members: 500+

Service Area: Arkansas

Lindsey Gray


Lindsey Gray, President
Aimee Shelby, First Vice President
Mary-Margaret Marks, Second Vice President

Katharine Allen Adams
Ginger Blackmon
Sydney Blackmon
Kimberly Bowman
Amanda Daugherty
Marisha DiCarlo
Marcy Doderer
Meredith Flanagin
Sue Frank
Kori Gordon
Stacy Grobmyer
Jill Hartsfield
Nikki Hastings
Sara Beth Hughes
Katie Hunter
Angie Johnson
Neal Lea
Sabrina Lewellen
Kristen Minton
Ashley Parker
Terry Quinn
Kristen Saffa
Jennifer Schueck
Melissa Schutz-Gonzalez
Anne Wallace

1 Children’s Way, Slot 661
Little Rock, AR 72202


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