Remember when your friend lost it over the news that “Gilmore Girls” was coming to Netflix? You might want to make sure she’s sitting down.
The sad news is that the Garland House, which hosts various art galleries and exhibitions, is ending its run with one last show on Friday, Oct. 7. The good news is that they’re going out with a bang — Stars Hollow style.
The Garland House final art show is an ode to “Gilmore Girls.” The evening begins with an art show filled with for-sale pieces created just for this theme by local artists, and includes live music, a “Gilmore Girls”-themed costume contest and life-size recreations of some of your favorite scenes from the show.
And because no Gilmore experience would be complete without a stop at Luke’s Diner, Chef Matt Bell from South on Main will be on hand to assume the role. We’ve got our fingers crossed for a backwards hat.
Here’s the lineup of artists and performers:
- Isaac Alexander
- Thom Asewicz
- Jade Chauvin
- Michael Church
- Megan Douglas
- Electric Ghost
- Vincent Griffin
- Clayton Scott Grubbs
- Adam Hogg
- Michael Inscoe
- Jeff Killingsworth
- John Kushmaul
- Rayna Mackey
- Sally Nixon
- Lee Petray
- June Pham
- Sean Sapp
- AmyJo Savannah
- Michael Shaeffer
- Mark Thiedeman
- Sean Williams
- John Willis
It all kicks off at 7 p.m. at 1114 Garland St. in downtown Little Rock. For more information, check out the Facebook event page.