David’s Burgers to Open in River Market

In the spirit of National Hamburger Day, we thought we would share this delicious news. David’s Burgers is opening up a new location in the River Market. 

The locally-owned burger joint will move into the space Boulevard Bread occupied. But don’t worry, Boulevard isn’t closing. It’s only moving a few feet inside the River Market Hall to Coast Cantina’s previous location which closed in March, according to Diana Long, the director of River Market operations. 

Boulevard is expected to reopen this Saturday.

There’s not an opening date yet for one of our favorite burger spots, but Long said after the new lease is finalized, the restaurant should open within 90 days.

“Everyone is super excited about it at this point and it is coming along very well; we expect to have everything finalized shortly,” Long said. “David’s Burgers was an exciting opportunity because they are a very well-loved local brand. They’re going to be that anchor store position and have extended hours and be opened later into the evening.”

While Boulevard Bread will keep its 7 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Saturday hours, David’s Burgers will stay open later. Long said the goal is to draw more people to the area in the evening and for David’s Burgers to be open until 11 p.m. on the weekends.

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