Celebrate #GivingTuesday Today With Local Businesses

With he City of Little Rock proclaiming today as #GivingTuesday, several spots in the city, including the Arkansas Arts Center, Thea Foundation, the Arkansas Foodbank, Goodwill and Heifer International are celebrating the initiative #GivingTuesday, created two years ago as a way to promote community giving through the holidays.

#GivingTuesday takes place today (Dec. 3), following Black Friday and Cyber Monday– days that are synonymous with holiday shopping.

Here are local places participating in the national day of giving:

The Arkansas Arts Center joined the movement as a partner this year to promote end-of-year giving that is important, not only to the organization, but the community as a whole.  Local restaurants agreed to put table tents and donation boxes at their locations to help raise funds.  These include Pizza Café, Big Orange, Local Lime, Zaza’s, Central Arkansas Burger Kings, Markham Chick-Fil-A, Boulevard Bread Co., Community Bakery, All Aboard Restaurant and others. Be sure to stop by one of these places today to help the arts center. Get more info here.

Goodwill has also jumped on the #GivingTuesday bandwagon, where they are encouraging the public to donate money to its cause. Donate here!

North Little Rock’s Thea Foundation is joining forces for the big day and they are looking for financial support crucial to the development through the arts and Thea scholarships for local students. Donate to the art foundation here.

Heifer International helps provide livestock, seeds, or training to a family struggling with hunger and poverty. With each donation, it goes to those who need it most. Donate a selected monetary amount here.

For the Arkansas Foodbank, #GivingTuesday kicks off its Matching Gift Online Campaign. Thanks to two generous donors, they will able to match all brand new and upgraded donations made online at www.arkansasfoodbank.org from today through Dec. 31. Each dollar you give starting today (Dec. 3) means we can provide six holiday meals, instead of three. It means you’ll give a senior citizen healthy meals for two days instead of one, and a single mother of two can serve her family lunch and dinner. 

#GivingTuesday was created two years ago when a group of friends and partners, led by the 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation in New York City, came together to find ways to promote and celebrate the great American tradition of giving.  Notably, the Clinton Foundation is also a founding partner.

For more information about the initative, click here.

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