Best Real Estate Agents 2022: Claire Brown

Claire Brown

MOVE Realty

By entering real estate in 2002, Claire Brown has come to know her purpose of serving others at a high level. She knows that real estate is much more than selling property, it is a relationship with a client. Through experience, mentorship, education and dedication, she has been given the opportunity to be of service to clients and make extraordinary friendships along the journey which have allowed her to open Move Realty. In addition, she launched Little Rock PowerWomen, a group focusing on women empowerment and mentorship. The growth of the group helped her form a podcast “PowerWomen,” publish her book, “Ring or Fling,” and now have a weekly segment every Monday with Channel 4. With a dedication to her career, community, church and children, she strives to inspire others as they have inspired her.


Residential Realtor in central Arkansas


Executive Broker; NLP certified; BSE Family and Consumer Sciences; Little Rock Realtors Association
Multi-Million Dollar Producer 2003-2020;
Soirée Women to Watch 2020; At Home in Arkansas Real
Estate Agents to Love;
Soirée Best Real Estate Agents 2014-2020, 2022; AY Intriguing Women 2020

MOVE Realty
O: 501.454.3480 / C: 501.454.3480

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