Best Lawyers 2024: Carter C. Stein

McMath Woods P.A.

711 W. Third St. | Little Rock | | 501.396.5400

Carter C. Stein

Plaintiffs Personal Injury

For the last decade, Carter Stein, a trial lawyer at McMath Woods, has served on the Junior Deputy Baseball board of directors.

“I have had a lot of different volunteer roles over the last 10 years,” Stein says, including being a coach, manager, information officer, treasurer, website and social media contact, league commissioner, safety officer and vice president, among other duties.

In November, Stein stepped away from the Junior Deputy board.

“It was just time,” he says. “We have made great progress in recent years. In spring 2024, we had nearly 1,000 baseball players at the park, and those players were positively impacted by the more than $1.6 million in facility improvements. But it is now time for a new generation of leaders to push the program forward.”

Stein focuses his law practice on injury and wrongful death cases.

“When you get right down to it, I like to help people. Whether it is a family new to Little Rock looking at baseball options at Junior Deputy or a family that has lost a loved one through the negligence of someone else, I want to help.”

University of Arkansas, B.A. History
UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law, J.D.

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