Best Lawyers 2024: ARlaw Partners, PLLC

ARlaw Partners, PLLC

415 N. McKinley St., Ste. 830 | Little Rock | | 501.710.6500

Vanessa Cash Adams

Consumer & Business Bankruptcy Law

Vanessa Cash Adams has practiced consumer and business bankruptcy law for 17 years. She is a former president of the Arkansas Association for Women Lawyers and current president of the Debtor-Creditor Bar of Central Arkansas.

As a past president of the Arkansas Bar’s Debtor-Creditor Division, she also served as a committee member of diversity and inclusion for the Arkansas Bar. In addition to various speaking roles on bankruptcy law and ethics, Adams received the Continuing Legal Education Award for organizing the 2021 Bankruptcy Conference.

Adams is a member of the William Overton Inn of Court, the Pulaski County Bar Association, the NWA Debtor-Creditor Bar and the Volunteers’ Center for Arkansas Legal Services. She lives in Little Rock with her husband, Bryan, and their three children, who attend Pulaski Heights and Central High School. Adams enjoys the outdoors, attending her children’s sporting events and supporting the Pulaski Heights Panthers and Central High Tigers.

University of Arkansas, B.A. Journalism
UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law, J.D.

Charlie Cunningham

Family Law and Mediation

Charlie Cunningham is a former debate nerd born and raised in Little Rock where he attended Little Rock Central. His appreciation for law but more so, laws affecting children, began when he was counsel for the Department of Human Services in foster care cases.

His practice has expanded privately to assisting individuals and families in areas of child and adult maltreatment, including relatives, foster parents, pre-adoptive parents and defendants while he also works to preserve education opportunities for children, appeals, general guardianships, adoptions and other domestic relations practice areas. He lives with his wife, Jennifer, in Little Rock. He loves the Hogs, hockey, cooking and playing disc golf. If this all works out, maybe he’ll open a deli.

University of Arkansas, B.A. History and German
University of Arkansas, J.D.

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