ASO Launches Young Professionals Group

The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra is looking for the next generation of supporters and is launching a new young professionals group called Sharp. 

Sharp is described as a group of “young professionals enjoying contemporary social experiences that provide networking opportunities, enlightening programs and community connection while promoting audience growth and sustainability for the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra.”

The group is open to anyone age 21 and older, and a $6 monthly membership gets you free tickets to all ASO concerts, social events and volunteer opportunities.

ASO is hosting its first recruitment and kickoff event for Sharp this coming Monday, Sept. 21, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the House of Art, 108 East Fourth St. in North Little Rock. The free event will also have libations and live music. 

For more information about Sharp, check out the Facebook page here

To view the Arkansas Symphony’s complete schedule of events, click here. 

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