Acknowledging burnout is a tough thing. We pride ourselves on productivity and feel embarrassed when we are overwhelmed. However, it’s crucially important to accept and admit burnout.
Before a symptom can be treated, the cause must first be identified. Knowing the warning signs of burnout can help you avoid a total system breakdown, allowing you to shift energy from projects to yourself before it’s too late. Here are some of the signs:
1. Increased irritability. Maybe you’ve noticed yourself getting frustrated over little things. Think: the line at the grocery store, yellow lights that turn red way too quickly, little pet peeves that suddenly feel like a declaration of war.
2. Fidgety, fumbling, forgetful. You’ve spilled your coffee, dropped your phone, left your mask at home. You’ve missed important emails, forgotten your kiddo’s soccer practice. You’re juggling, but everything seems to fall.
3. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. We all love to scroll, but you can’t seem to put down your device. Any electronic device. You look up, half the day is gone. You’ve watched a full season of “Schitt’s Creek” (worth it) and your social feed can’t refresh anymore. Oops.
4. Nothing glitters or glows. Your boss praises your big presentation, your partner surprises you, your friends shower you with love and it all goes unnoticed. You’re unable to see the flowers for the weeds.
5. Everything hurts. You’ve had a headache for the past week, your stomach is in knots, the crick in your neck will not quit. Emotions, including stress, live in the body. All of these are cues that you’re worn down and need rest.
If any of these hit home with you, you aren’t alone. In a world demanding more from us, we tend to give less to ourselves. This holiday season, give yourself the rest you’ve earned and make self-care a priority. If this is a struggle for you, there is help.
Kami Ball Tran is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, Registered Play Therapist Supervisor and National Certified Counselor. Contact The Healing Place Therapies today to learn how they can help you on the journey to mental and emotional wellness.